Fresh flowers in the bedroom, one rose on the windowsill, a huge bouquet in the kitchen, an original cut flower arrangement on the dining table, dried flowers in the study. Your own garden is good because it allows you not to limit yourself in choosing flowers for your home and implement the most original floral ideas.

When you visit Pippin Hill Farm & Vineyards, you will have even more inspiration and desire to grow the same beauty in your garden. Given that it is not difficult to do this, it is enough to follow a few rules.

Cutting rules

In order for the flowers, you have grown in a cut flower garden to stand longer in a bouquet, it is advisable to follow some rules:

  • Flowers for a bouquet are cut, as a rule, in the early morning. Although in cloudy weather it can be done at any time, the main thing is not during the rain.
  • In order for the flowers in the bouquet to remain fresh as long as possible, they must be cut at a certain stage of development. For example, lavatera – when the flowers are still in buds, calendula, cosmea and arctotis – half-bloomed, snapdragon and delphinium – when at least a third of all flowers are opened in the inflorescence, and rudbeckia, salpiglossis and zinnia – only fully bloomed.
  • Flower stalks of biennials and annuals can be cut at the root, since after flowering the plants die off. In perennial plants, a part of the shoot with leaves is left on the bush. Low cutting weakens the plant.

Flowers for cutting should have an expressive shape, a rich range of colors, easy to transport, well preserved in cut form. To ensure diversity from early spring to late autumn, you need to select plants that bloom at different times.

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