How to add some glitter to your garden?

How to add some glitter to your garden
Image by AdelinaZw from Pixabay

 Everyone dreams about magnificent well-kept garden with many beautiful decorations and a green dense lawn.  And in fact, many of the decorations can be made by yourself with the purchase of glitter in bulk.

 Glitters are fine sprinkled sequins and one of the most beautiful decorative materials. They are very popular and actively used in many areas of human life – in make-up and manicure, hairstyle decor, in printing, and of course, in needlework. They are created in various sizes, shapes and colors, so you can definitely choose exactly what you like. Also, with their help you can easily make beautiful crafts for your garden that will delight the eye. For example, you can make beautiful flower vases and place them in the garden, or simply create incredibly sparkling bottles or figurines. It all depends on your imagination and wishes.  And most importantly, in just a couple hours of work, you can transform your garden beyond recognition.

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