Realism, injury safety, rich colour, simple care make artificial grass for outdoor art installations and outdoor ceremonies one of the most popular coatings for sports and children’s outdoor playgrounds, landscaping, window dressing. Artificial grass for community gardens with perfectly smooth blades of grass helps to put in order every corner of the garden, and is used infrequently in the interior.
Artificial grass for model homes. If there is no strength and desire to take care of living plants, cover the walls with artificial grass with a long pile. Grass will help to make a colour and texture accent in a neutral room. It is especially well combined with interiors in the style of minimalism, Provence and Scandinavian.

Artificial grass for craft projects. It is not necessary to cover a sofa or a table with synthetic lawn. Small inserts on the armrests or backboard, the headboard of the bed will refresh and attract attention. Accessories add creativity. What about a grass pillow, a picture or a vase?
Artificial grass for green roofs on buildings. The roof made of artificial grass evokes associations with fairy-tale stories about the inhabitants of the forest. The non–obvious advantages of such a solution are the absence of dirt and additional insulation of the roof. The material does not fade in the sun and is not afraid of temperature changes and precipitation.
Artificial grass for animal shelters, pet grooming facilities or even terrariums. Dogs and cats enjoy playing on artificial turf. Why not go ahead and decorate a doghouse or a cat’s bed with synthetic grass?

There is also artificial grass for DIY projects.
Use artificial grass for landscape sculptures to bring more life to your garden or orchard. Artificial grass for butterfly gardens is also a perfect solution to attract more visitors as you make your garden closer to the natural one with minimum effort.
The height of the pile and the type of coating, the need for backfilling depend on the purpose of the finish. Consult an expert!
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash